This it is a hard and sad time for everyone. We don’t know when it will end or what the world will look like after the pandemic, but we know if we really want to get out of this crisis stronger and healthier than first, we have to change. We must learn to hold hands, take care of each other, train ourselves to trust.
We want to try and from today we make available to all people in difficulty or businesses that – like us – have closed in this difficult time, the experience and skills of our team, at popular and accessible prices.
From too long we are used to rejecting collective behavior, encouraging self-interest, profit at any cost and the short-term thinking. We have organized our lives around to that stress and continuous insecurity that prevents us from think beyond the next fiscal year or the next envelope pay, regardless of our neighbor and the common good.
To those who want to give themselves a gift, redesign their home or shop, for those who have never been able to afford a custom-made or design piece of furniture, we want to say: WE ARE THERE!
#we are home but we do not stop our ideas.